disConnect is a pattern for fitting 6-note combinations in order to draw attention to the nuances of finishing out the rudiment and starting it again. Paradiddle-diddles and double paradiddles especially need to be finished strong, but very often the quality and clarity of the final doublestroke are sacrificed for a focus on accents and the beginning of the next repetition of the rudiment. There are many possibilities for what you can fit into this one, but written variations included here are: Doubles, Double Paradiddles, Shirley Murphies, Flam 3–2–1, Flam Paradiddle-diddle, Paradiddle-diddle, Singles, Slurred Six-Stroke Roll, Slurred Ruff, and Swiss Army Triplet.
Movin' Diddles
I came up with Movin' Diddles during a hack session in Saint-Faustin–Lac-Carré, QC, on a summer road trip I took to the Atlantic provinces of Canada. While I may not be the first to formulate this grid, I have not seen it anywhere else. It starts with double paradiddles and moves the doublestroke backwards through the rudiment, creating a challenge for maintaining strong and precise doublestrokes and relaxed accents as the spaces between doublestrokes, taps, and accents vary.