Double Tap

I wrote Double Tap (2010) on one fine evening when I got stuck on NC State's campus during a snowstorm. They had a showing of Zombieland for students, so after fleshing out this warm-up in the dorms with a couple buddies, it was pretty obvious what I should call it.

It's styled after the very "stock"-sounding double beat warm-ups that generally centre on some sanford-esque pattern, but I wanted to incorporate different hand speeds, as well as an emphasis on the eighth-note pulse within a triplet roll.

While this piece was never used and would prove difficult for a line of typical skill, it is nonetheless worth taking a look at.

Double Tap
Matthew Lemieux

High Five (Onfield)

This High Five (2007) is the original exercise that the paradiddles warm-up was based on. This version is an onfield warm-up that I wrote while I was in high school. It has a sort of Ditty vibe to it, and it’s big, choppy, and nuts. This was my pride and joy on the very first incarnation of fatmattdrums, and I think it still stacks up pretty well against the rest of my work.

High Five (onfield)
Matthew Lemieux