The X-Ray Climb is the result of playing around with MuseScore notation software for a couple of evenings, just to try it out. MuseScore is a free musical notation program that has a free extension for drumline notation and playback. It’s a pretty solid piece of software, and it’s absolutely amazing for the price! There were only a few things that I gave up on trying to figure out how to do (like adding my copyright notice, so I just did it in PowerPoint), and it was intuitive enough that I could write something new and original by just playing around with it. Like when you play around with a new musical instrument (like a bass or guitar), and there’s just something fun and interesting about it which helps to direct your ideas, leading to the creation of a new song… there was something about the experience that made this cadence what it is, and I am very pleased with the result. For comparison (and because I am especially proud of my VDL mixes), I’ve rendered the same composition with the VDLite sound library.